// LAYERS parameter: config_a_b_c // a = 1 for depth in meters, 2 for depth in feet, 3 for fathoms // b = 10.00: for 10.00 m safety depth (beginning of blue coloring) (unit equal to that set by a) // c = 0 for pristine Navionics charts, 1 for Sonar Charts // TRANSPARENT parameter: FALSE for non-layer, TRUE for layer // UGC parameter: FALSE for pristine Navionics charts, TRUE for additinal user-generated content icons // navtoken: base64 encoded string of either: // - "Navionics_internalpurpose_00001+webapiv2.navionics.com" (used with Referrer: https://webapiv2.navionics.com/examples/4000_gNavionicsOverlayExample.html) // - "Navionics_internalpurpose_00001+webapp.navionics.com" (used with Referrer: https://webapp.navionics.com/?lang=en) begin ResultURL:=GetURLBase+inttostr(GetZ-1)+'/'+inttostr(GetX)+'/'+inttostr(GetY)+'?LAYERS=config_1_10.00_1&TRANSPARENT=FALSE&UGC=FALSE&navtoken=TmF2aW9uaWNzX2ludGVybmFscHVycG9zZV8wMDAwMSt3ZWJhcGl2Mi5uYXZpb25pY3MuY29t'; end.