- var res:string;
- i:byte;
- osX,osY,prX,prY:integer;
- begin
- res:='t';
- osX:=round(intpower(2,GetZ-1)) div 2;
- osY:=round(intpower(2,GetZ-1)) div 2;
- prX:=osX; prY:=osY;
- for i:=2 to GetZ do
- begin
- prX:=prX div 2;
- prY:=prY div 2;
- if GetX<osX
- then begin
- osX:=osX-prX;
- if GetY<osY then begin
- osY:=osY-prY;
- res:=res+'q';
- end
- else begin
- osY:=osY+prY;
- res:=res+'t';
- end;
- end
- else begin
- osX:=osX+prX;
- if Gety<osy then begin
- osY:=osY-prY;
- res:=res+'r';
- end
- else begin
- osY:=osY+prY;
- res:=res+'s';
- end;
- end;
- end;
- { if GetY <7 then insert('10',GetURLBase,13) else insert('8',GetURLBase,13);}
- case GetZ of
- 5: ResultURL:=GetURLBase+res+'/'+res+'.png';
- 6: ResultURL:=GetURLBase+res+'/'+res+'.png';
- 7: ResultURL:=GetURLBase+copy(res,1,6)+'/'+res+'.png';
- 8: ResultURL:=GetURLBase+copy(res,1,6)+'/'+res+'.png';
- 9: ResultURL:=GetURLBase+copy(res,1,6)+'/'+res+'.png';
- 10: ResultURL:=GetURLBase+copy(res,1,6)+'/'+res+'.png';
- 11: ResultURL:=GetURLBase+copy(res,1,6)+'/'+res+'.png';
- 12: ResultURL:=GetURLBase+copy(res,1,6)+'/'+res+'.png';
- 13: ResultURL:=GetURLBase+copy(res,1,6)+'/'+res+'.png';
- 14: ResultURL:=GetURLBase+copy(res,1,6)+'/'+res+'.png';
- else
- ResultURL:=GetURLBase+res+'.png';
- end
- end.