From 4d49cc7ec30dd22eb056803218e63f53bd0b7bbb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sasbot <>
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2020 12:00:00 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] update zmp

 .../Bing_Sat.zmp}/18.bmp                      | Bin
 .../Bing_Sat.zmp}/24.bmp                      | Bin
 .../Bing_Sat.zmp}/EmptyTiles/NA.png           | Bin
 .../Bing_Sat.zmp}/GetUrlScript.txt            |  74 +++++++++---------
 .../Bing_Sat.zmp}/params.txt                  |  44 +++++------
 .../Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp}/18.bmp                 | Bin
 .../Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp}/24.bmp                 | Bin
 .../Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp}/EmptyTiles/NA.png      | Bin
 .../Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp}/GetUrlScript.txt       |  74 +++++++++---------
 .../Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp}/params.txt             |  52 ++++++------
 .../Bing_roads.en.zmp}/18.bmp                 | Bin
 .../Bing_roads.en.zmp}/24.bmp                 | Bin
 .../Bing_roads.en.zmp}/GetUrlScript.txt       |  74 +++++++++---------
 .../Bing_roads.en.zmp}/params.txt             |  40 +++++-----
 .../}/18.bmp                 | Bin
 .../}/24.bmp                 | Bin
 .../}/GetUrlScript.txt       |  74 +++++++++---------
 .../}/params.txt             |  40 +++++-----
 18 files changed, 236 insertions(+), 236 deletions(-)
 rename {VirtualEarth/VEMap_roads.en.zmp => Bing/Bing_Sat.zmp}/18.bmp (100%)
 rename {VirtualEarth/VEMap_roads.en.zmp => Bing/Bing_Sat.zmp}/24.bmp (100%)
 rename {VirtualEarth/VESat-N.zmp => Bing/Bing_Sat.zmp}/EmptyTiles/NA.png (100%)
 rename {VirtualEarth/VESat.zmp => Bing/Bing_Sat.zmp}/GetUrlScript.txt (96%)
 rename {VirtualEarth/VESat.zmp => Bing/Bing_Sat.zmp}/params.txt (71%)
 rename {VirtualEarth/ => Bing/Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp}/18.bmp (100%)
 rename {VirtualEarth/ => Bing/Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp}/24.bmp (100%)
 rename {VirtualEarth/VESat.zmp => Bing/Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp}/EmptyTiles/NA.png (100%)
 rename {VirtualEarth/VESat-N.zmp => Bing/Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp}/GetUrlScript.txt (96%)
 rename {VirtualEarth/VESat-N.zmp => Bing/Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp}/params.txt (74%)
 rename {VirtualEarth/VESat-N.zmp => Bing/Bing_roads.en.zmp}/18.bmp (100%)
 rename {VirtualEarth/VESat-N.zmp => Bing/Bing_roads.en.zmp}/24.bmp (100%)
 rename {VirtualEarth/VEMap_roads.en.zmp => Bing/Bing_roads.en.zmp}/GetUrlScript.txt (96%)
 rename {VirtualEarth/VEMap_roads.en.zmp => Bing/Bing_roads.en.zmp}/params.txt (69%)
 rename {VirtualEarth/VESat.zmp => Bing/}/18.bmp (100%)
 rename {VirtualEarth/VESat.zmp => Bing/}/24.bmp (100%)
 rename {VirtualEarth/ => Bing/}/GetUrlScript.txt (96%)
 rename {VirtualEarth/ => Bing/}/params.txt (69%)

diff --git a/VirtualEarth/VEMap_roads.en.zmp/18.bmp b/Bing/Bing_Sat.zmp/18.bmp
similarity index 100%
rename from VirtualEarth/VEMap_roads.en.zmp/18.bmp
rename to Bing/Bing_Sat.zmp/18.bmp
diff --git a/VirtualEarth/VEMap_roads.en.zmp/24.bmp b/Bing/Bing_Sat.zmp/24.bmp
similarity index 100%
rename from VirtualEarth/VEMap_roads.en.zmp/24.bmp
rename to Bing/Bing_Sat.zmp/24.bmp
diff --git a/VirtualEarth/VESat-N.zmp/EmptyTiles/NA.png b/Bing/Bing_Sat.zmp/EmptyTiles/NA.png
similarity index 100%
rename from VirtualEarth/VESat-N.zmp/EmptyTiles/NA.png
rename to Bing/Bing_Sat.zmp/EmptyTiles/NA.png
diff --git a/VirtualEarth/VESat.zmp/GetUrlScript.txt b/Bing/Bing_Sat.zmp/GetUrlScript.txt
similarity index 96%
rename from VirtualEarth/VESat.zmp/GetUrlScript.txt
rename to Bing/Bing_Sat.zmp/GetUrlScript.txt
index 8c4b590d4..156158cbd 100644
--- a/VirtualEarth/VESat.zmp/GetUrlScript.txt
+++ b/Bing/Bing_Sat.zmp/GetUrlScript.txt
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-var res:string;
-    i:byte;
-    osX,osY,prX,prY:integer;
-   res:='';     
-   osX:=round(intpower(2,GetZ-1)) div 2;
-   osY:=round(intpower(2,GetZ-1)) div 2;
-   prX:=osX; prY:=osY;
-   for i:=2 to GetZ do
-    begin
-    prX:=prX div 2;
-    prY:=prY div 2;
-    if GetX<osX
-     then begin
-           osX:=osX-prX;
-           if GetY<osY then begin
-                            osY:=osY-prY;
-                            res:=res+'0';
-                           end
-                      else begin
-                            osY:=osY+prY;
-                            res:=res+'2';
-                           end;
-          end
-     else begin
-           osX:=osX+prX;
-           if Gety<osy then begin
-                             osY:=osY-prY;
-                             res:=res+'1';
-                            end
-                     else begin
-                           osY:=osY+prY;
-                           res:=res+'3';
-                          end;
-         end;
-     end;
- ResultURL:=GetURLBase+res+'.jpeg?g='+version;
+var res:string;
+    i:byte;
+    osX,osY,prX,prY:integer;
+   res:='';     
+   osX:=round(intpower(2,GetZ-1)) div 2;
+   osY:=round(intpower(2,GetZ-1)) div 2;
+   prX:=osX; prY:=osY;
+   for i:=2 to GetZ do
+    begin
+    prX:=prX div 2;
+    prY:=prY div 2;
+    if GetX<osX
+     then begin
+           osX:=osX-prX;
+           if GetY<osY then begin
+                            osY:=osY-prY;
+                            res:=res+'0';
+                           end
+                      else begin
+                            osY:=osY+prY;
+                            res:=res+'2';
+                           end;
+          end
+     else begin
+           osX:=osX+prX;
+           if Gety<osy then begin
+                             osY:=osY-prY;
+                             res:=res+'1';
+                            end
+                     else begin
+                           osY:=osY+prY;
+                           res:=res+'3';
+                          end;
+         end;
+     end;
+ ResultURL:=GetURLBase+res+'.jpeg?g='+version;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VirtualEarth/VESat.zmp/params.txt b/Bing/Bing_Sat.zmp/params.txt
similarity index 71%
rename from VirtualEarth/VESat.zmp/params.txt
rename to Bing/Bing_Sat.zmp/params.txt
index 7c975d6db..9548a4d3f 100644
--- a/VirtualEarth/VESat.zmp/params.txt
+++ b/Bing/Bing_Sat.zmp/params.txt
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-name=Bing maps - �������
-name_en=Bing maps - satellite
-name_uk=Bing maps - ��������
-ParentSubMenu=Bing (Virtual Earth)
-ParentSubMenu_en=Bing (Virtual Earth)
-ParentSubMenu_uk=Bing (Virtual Earth)
-ContentType=image/jpeg; image/png
\ No newline at end of file
+name=Bing maps - �������
+name_en=Bing maps - satellite
+name_uk=Bing maps - ��������
+ContentType=image/jpeg; image/png
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VirtualEarth/ b/Bing/Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp/18.bmp
similarity index 100%
rename from VirtualEarth/
rename to Bing/Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp/18.bmp
diff --git a/VirtualEarth/ b/Bing/Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp/24.bmp
similarity index 100%
rename from VirtualEarth/
rename to Bing/Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp/24.bmp
diff --git a/VirtualEarth/VESat.zmp/EmptyTiles/NA.png b/Bing/Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp/EmptyTiles/NA.png
similarity index 100%
rename from VirtualEarth/VESat.zmp/EmptyTiles/NA.png
rename to Bing/Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp/EmptyTiles/NA.png
diff --git a/VirtualEarth/VESat-N.zmp/GetUrlScript.txt b/Bing/Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp/GetUrlScript.txt
similarity index 96%
rename from VirtualEarth/VESat-N.zmp/GetUrlScript.txt
rename to Bing/Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp/GetUrlScript.txt
index 97ecfe257..73b715d52 100644
--- a/VirtualEarth/VESat-N.zmp/GetUrlScript.txt
+++ b/Bing/Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp/GetUrlScript.txt
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-var res:string;
-    i:byte;
-    osX,osY,prX,prY:integer;
-   res:='';     
-   osX:=round(intpower(2,GetZ-1)) div 2;
-   osY:=round(intpower(2,GetZ-1)) div 2;
-   prX:=osX; prY:=osY;
-   for i:=2 to GetZ do
-    begin
-    prX:=prX div 2;
-    prY:=prY div 2;
-    if GetX<osX
-     then begin
-           osX:=osX-prX;
-           if GetY<osY then begin
-                            osY:=osY-prY;
-                            res:=res+'0';
-                           end
-                      else begin
-                            osY:=osY+prY;
-                            res:=res+'2';
-                           end;
-          end
-     else begin
-           osX:=osX+prX;
-           if Gety<osy then begin
-                             osY:=osY-prY;
-                             res:=res+'1';
-                            end
-                     else begin
-                           osY:=osY+prY;
-                           res:=res+'3';
-                          end;
-         end;
-     end;
- ResultURL:=GetURLBase+res+'.jpeg?g='+version+'&dir=dir_n';
+var res:string;
+    i:byte;
+    osX,osY,prX,prY:integer;
+   res:='';     
+   osX:=round(intpower(2,GetZ-1)) div 2;
+   osY:=round(intpower(2,GetZ-1)) div 2;
+   prX:=osX; prY:=osY;
+   for i:=2 to GetZ do
+    begin
+    prX:=prX div 2;
+    prY:=prY div 2;
+    if GetX<osX
+     then begin
+           osX:=osX-prX;
+           if GetY<osY then begin
+                            osY:=osY-prY;
+                            res:=res+'0';
+                           end
+                      else begin
+                            osY:=osY+prY;
+                            res:=res+'2';
+                           end;
+          end
+     else begin
+           osX:=osX+prX;
+           if Gety<osy then begin
+                             osY:=osY-prY;
+                             res:=res+'1';
+                            end
+                     else begin
+                           osY:=osY+prY;
+                           res:=res+'3';
+                          end;
+         end;
+     end;
+ ResultURL:=GetURLBase+res+'.jpeg?g='+version+'&dir=dir_n';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VirtualEarth/VESat-N.zmp/params.txt b/Bing/Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp/params.txt
similarity index 74%
rename from VirtualEarth/VESat-N.zmp/params.txt
rename to Bing/Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp/params.txt
index cbf629534..7d4f2b54e 100644
--- a/VirtualEarth/VESat-N.zmp/params.txt
+++ b/Bing/Bing_Sat_BE_N.zmp/params.txt
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-name=Bing Maps - Bird's Eye N
-name_en=Bing Maps - Bird's Eye N
-name_uk=Bing Maps - Bird's Eye N
-ParentSubMenu=Bing (Virtual Earth)
-ParentSubMenu_en=Bing (Virtual Earth)
-ParentSubMenu_uk=Bing (Virtual Earth)
-ContentType=image/jpeg; image/png
\ No newline at end of file
+name=Bing Maps - Bird's Eye N
+name_en=Bing Maps - Bird's Eye N
+name_uk=Bing Maps - Bird's Eye N
+ContentType=image/jpeg; image/png
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VirtualEarth/VESat-N.zmp/18.bmp b/Bing/Bing_roads.en.zmp/18.bmp
similarity index 100%
rename from VirtualEarth/VESat-N.zmp/18.bmp
rename to Bing/Bing_roads.en.zmp/18.bmp
diff --git a/VirtualEarth/VESat-N.zmp/24.bmp b/Bing/Bing_roads.en.zmp/24.bmp
similarity index 100%
rename from VirtualEarth/VESat-N.zmp/24.bmp
rename to Bing/Bing_roads.en.zmp/24.bmp
diff --git a/VirtualEarth/VEMap_roads.en.zmp/GetUrlScript.txt b/Bing/Bing_roads.en.zmp/GetUrlScript.txt
similarity index 96%
rename from VirtualEarth/VEMap_roads.en.zmp/GetUrlScript.txt
rename to Bing/Bing_roads.en.zmp/GetUrlScript.txt
index a429ad249..240e88198 100644
--- a/VirtualEarth/VEMap_roads.en.zmp/GetUrlScript.txt
+++ b/Bing/Bing_roads.en.zmp/GetUrlScript.txt
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-var res:string;
-	i:byte;
-	osX,osY,prX,prY:integer;
-   res:='';	
-   osX:=round(intpower(2,GetZ-1)) div 2;
-   osY:=round(intpower(2,GetZ-1)) div 2;
-   prX:=osX; prY:=osY;
-   for i:=2 to GetZ do
-    begin
-    prX:=prX div 2;
-    prY:=prY div 2;
-    if GetX<osX
-     then begin
-           osX:=osX-prX;
-           if GetY<osY then begin
-                            osY:=osY-prY;
-                            res:=res+'0';
-                           end
-                      else begin
-                            osY:=osY+prY;
-                            res:=res+'2';
-                           end;
-          end
-     else begin
-           osX:=osX+prX;
-           if Gety<osy then begin
-                             osY:=osY-prY;
-                             res:=res+'1';
-                            end
-                     else begin
-                           osY:=osY+prY;
-                           res:=res+'3';
-                          end;
-         end;
-     end;
- ResultURL:=GetURLBase+res+'?mkt=en-us&it=G,VE,BX,L,LA&shading=hill';
+var res:string;
+	i:byte;
+	osX,osY,prX,prY:integer;
+   res:='';	
+   osX:=round(intpower(2,GetZ-1)) div 2;
+   osY:=round(intpower(2,GetZ-1)) div 2;
+   prX:=osX; prY:=osY;
+   for i:=2 to GetZ do
+    begin
+    prX:=prX div 2;
+    prY:=prY div 2;
+    if GetX<osX
+     then begin
+           osX:=osX-prX;
+           if GetY<osY then begin
+                            osY:=osY-prY;
+                            res:=res+'0';
+                           end
+                      else begin
+                            osY:=osY+prY;
+                            res:=res+'2';
+                           end;
+          end
+     else begin
+           osX:=osX+prX;
+           if Gety<osy then begin
+                             osY:=osY-prY;
+                             res:=res+'1';
+                            end
+                     else begin
+                           osY:=osY+prY;
+                           res:=res+'3';
+                          end;
+         end;
+     end;
+ ResultURL:=GetURLBase+res+'?mkt=en-us&it=G,VE,BX,L,LA&shading=hill';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VirtualEarth/VEMap_roads.en.zmp/params.txt b/Bing/Bing_roads.en.zmp/params.txt
similarity index 69%
rename from VirtualEarth/VEMap_roads.en.zmp/params.txt
rename to Bing/Bing_roads.en.zmp/params.txt
index fbf1d6eb0..0fe026fba 100644
--- a/VirtualEarth/VEMap_roads.en.zmp/params.txt
+++ b/Bing/Bing_roads.en.zmp/params.txt
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-name=Bing Maps - ������ (en)
-name_en=Bing Maps - roads (en)
-name_uk=Bing Maps - ������ (en)
-ParentSubMenu=Bing (Virtual Earth)
-ParentSubMenu_en=Bing (Virtual Earth)
-ParentSubMenu_uk=Bing (Virtual Earth)
+name=Bing Maps - ������ (en)
+name_en=Bing Maps - roads (en)
+name_uk=Bing Maps - ������ (en)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VirtualEarth/VESat.zmp/18.bmp b/Bing/
similarity index 100%
rename from VirtualEarth/VESat.zmp/18.bmp
rename to Bing/
diff --git a/VirtualEarth/VESat.zmp/24.bmp b/Bing/
similarity index 100%
rename from VirtualEarth/VESat.zmp/24.bmp
rename to Bing/
diff --git a/VirtualEarth/ b/Bing/
similarity index 96%
rename from VirtualEarth/
rename to Bing/
index 0b3037ebf..d68bc5e5b 100644
--- a/VirtualEarth/
+++ b/Bing/
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-var res:string;
-	i:byte;
-	osX,osY,prX,prY:integer;
-   res:='';	
-   osX:=round(intpower(2,GetZ-1)) div 2;
-   osY:=round(intpower(2,GetZ-1)) div 2;
-   prX:=osX; prY:=osY;
-   for i:=2 to GetZ do
-    begin
-    prX:=prX div 2;
-    prY:=prY div 2;
-    if GetX<osX
-     then begin
-           osX:=osX-prX;
-           if GetY<osY then begin
-                            osY:=osY-prY;
-                            res:=res+'0';
-                           end
-                      else begin
-                            osY:=osY+prY;
-                            res:=res+'2';
-                           end;
-          end
-     else begin
-           osX:=osX+prX;
-           if Gety<osy then begin
-                             osY:=osY-prY;
-                             res:=res+'1';
-                            end
-                     else begin
-                           osY:=osY+prY;
-                           res:=res+'3';
-                          end;
-         end;
-     end;
- ResultURL:=GetURLBase+res+'?mkt=ru-ru&it=G,VE,BX,L,LA&shading=hill';
+var res:string;
+	i:byte;
+	osX,osY,prX,prY:integer;
+   res:='';	
+   osX:=round(intpower(2,GetZ-1)) div 2;
+   osY:=round(intpower(2,GetZ-1)) div 2;
+   prX:=osX; prY:=osY;
+   for i:=2 to GetZ do
+    begin
+    prX:=prX div 2;
+    prY:=prY div 2;
+    if GetX<osX
+     then begin
+           osX:=osX-prX;
+           if GetY<osY then begin
+                            osY:=osY-prY;
+                            res:=res+'0';
+                           end
+                      else begin
+                            osY:=osY+prY;
+                            res:=res+'2';
+                           end;
+          end
+     else begin
+           osX:=osX+prX;
+           if Gety<osy then begin
+                             osY:=osY-prY;
+                             res:=res+'1';
+                            end
+                     else begin
+                           osY:=osY+prY;
+                           res:=res+'3';
+                          end;
+         end;
+     end;
+ ResultURL:=GetURLBase+res+'?mkt=ru-ru&it=G,VE,BX,L,LA&shading=hill';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/VirtualEarth/ b/Bing/
similarity index 69%
rename from VirtualEarth/
rename to Bing/
index 7805511a2..25edb7105 100644
--- a/VirtualEarth/
+++ b/Bing/
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-name=Bing Maps - ������ (ru)
-name_en=Bing Maps - roads (ru)
-name_uk=Bing Maps - ������ (ru)
-ParentSubMenu=Bing (Virtual Earth)
-ParentSubMenu_en=Bing (Virtual Earth)
-ParentSubMenu_uk=Bing (Virtual Earth)
+name=Bing Maps - ������ (ru)
+name_en=Bing Maps - roads (ru)
+name_uk=Bing Maps - ������ (ru)
\ No newline at end of file