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преди 55 години
  1. var dz,z:integer;
  2. begin
  3. if getz>5 then dz:=Round(25600/intpower(2,getz-5)) else dz:=25600;
  4. z:=round(intpower(2,getz-5));
  5. if getz>=13 then dz:=256;
  6. if getz>=13 then z:=100;
  7. ResultURL:=GetURLBase+Inttostr(z)+'&DX='+Inttostr(round(GetX-intpower(2,getz-1)/2)*dz)+'&DY='+Inttostr(round(gety-intpower(2,getz-1)/2)*dz)+'&trackfile=&rnd=0.9191284459141998&order=';
  8. end.